Are you losing out on business because you miss calls? Or because you're too exhausted at the end of the day to follow up on your enquiries? Do you spend your days spinning plates and thinking "there must be a better way of doing this"? I am writing to express my sincere thanks for the telephone service you provide.
NM Finance has been using an out of office telephone service to answer our calls on evenings and weekends for some time now and I was surprised when you stated that the 350 we pay per month was rather expensive. I took the steps 6 weeks ago to change provider and not only is your service more professional, our clients have also noticed a difference in the quality and knowledge of the person answering their call outside of working hours.
NM Finance has been using an out of office telephone service to answer our calls on evenings and weekends for some time now and I was surprised when you stated that the 350 we pay per month was rather expensive. I took the steps 6 weeks ago to change provider and not only is your service more professional, our clients have also noticed a difference in the quality and knowledge of the person answering their call outside of working hours.
1. Professionalism: Have you ever called a company and it was obvious the person answering didn't work for that business? Doesn't sound good, does it? Your callers will never know you're using a call handling company. Even those that use them. We sound like you. 2. Adaptability: You won't find generic call handlers answering a solicitor's calls in the same way as they'd answer for a painter and decorator.
No two clients are the same and we love that. Coaches have different needs to property investors and trades and therapists vary greatly. We work with a wide variety of businesses but still manage to treat everyone the same. We're experienced professionals and we all work together to offer support services to companies large and small.
Imagine every caller getting through to one of your V.A. team, no scripts, just a friendly English speaking V.A. based in the UK who knows you and your team. Once your call is answered we can do whatever you need, every client and caller is treated as an individual. Call handling can easily be turned on and off as you need it, there are no long term contracts.
Visitors to your website may come and go unseen, with V.A. Live Webchat we can find out what they are looking for and answer questions on your behalf. Our staff will work with you to compile a knowledge base to answer common questions and pre qualify your potential leads. Your visitors won't get robotic responses, just like our call handling, there are no scripts, it's all about real live interaction and relationship building.
Much of a coach's work is to put plans in place for their clients - they set them targets and goals. They can't do the work for them. That's where we come in. We fill in the gaps helping their clients with calls, their appointments, their quotes and so much more. We're an essential part of the coach's toolbox because we help their clients do what they need to do.
Reviews (12)
Rollie Jones
Feb 01, 2022
What a difference this service has made, when our admin office girls go home, we are rest assured that our phones are still being answered. We receive an email per call, which makes it easier for us to contact our customers again. Excellent service, highly recommend, very flexible and easy to work with.
Amanda - Castle Blinds
Amanda - Castle Blinds
Ronan Sutton
Jan 29, 2022
I would highly recommend IYPA to any small business looking to outsource their phone call and other admin jobs. I came to them in need of help, at the time my business was swamped with phone call after phone call and I just couldn’t keep up. From the start I felt relaxed handing all of my communications over to them, and with the team having experience using Service M8 they integrated fabulously into my business. IYPA are an excellent , highly professional business
Tom Warrender
Jan 23, 2022
I have worked with IYPA for nearly 10 years and they are a fab team. The answer all our calls and follow our systems to forward calls to different members of our team as needed. All calls are noted and emailed to us as well. Any changes we want to make are implemented straight away. They are an essential part of our team! Highly recommended.
Mark Northall
Oct 15, 2021
Jenny Bradley
Apr 18, 2021
Executive Training & Consultancy is a busy and successful consultancy with 11 consultants operating across the UK.
In order to support and streamline our business we engaged the services of I’m Your PA to help us with Telephone answering and diary management. This has proved invaluable over the years and we consider the I’m Your PA team an intrical part of our business. I would have no hesitation in highly recommending I’m Your PA to anyone needing support with their busy business and in fact recommended them many times before. Cheryl, Jo and James are fantastic at what they do and are really
In order to support and streamline our business we engaged the services of I’m Your PA to help us with Telephone answering and diary management. This has proved invaluable over the years and we consider the I’m Your PA team an intrical part of our business. I would have no hesitation in highly recommending I’m Your PA to anyone needing support with their busy business and in fact recommended them many times before. Cheryl, Jo and James are fantastic at what they do and are really
Johnny Themans
Mar 25, 2021
Thank you to I'm Your PA for the support you provide to our business. In particular, Reece is brilliant with our clients and represents our company perfectly. Recently he took the time to speak patiently with a new customer who was having tech difficulties and struggling to engage with our start up programme. The client was very frustrated and was a bit cross with us as a company. After speaking to Reece, he was all sorted and he is now fully engaged and is a raving fan of Good2Great.
Reece is a vital member of our team - thank you for all you do for us.
Reece is a vital member of our team - thank you for all you do for us.
Simon Tonks
Oct 25, 2019
We've been using I'm Your PA for a couple of years now and have found them to provide a continually 5 star service.
It is very rare when we are all on the phone, or unable to get to an incoming call - but on the odd occasion when this is the case, it is extremely reassuring to know that I'm Your PA will professionally handle the call - and let us know immediately.
We had tried other phone answering services previously, but I'm Your Pa have been far better than any others we used. Their staff are courteous, professional and extremely efficient.
Highly recommended
It is very rare when we are all on the phone, or unable to get to an incoming call - but on the odd occasion when this is the case, it is extremely reassuring to know that I'm Your PA will professionally handle the call - and let us know immediately.
We had tried other phone answering services previously, but I'm Your Pa have been far better than any others we used. Their staff are courteous, professional and extremely efficient.
Highly recommended
Daniel Moore
Feb 04, 2019
I have used I'm your PA for a few years now and they are an essential part of my business. I'm often in and out of appointments or photographing on location so having someone that is guaranteed to be at the other end of the phone when a client calls is such a relief. They are friendly and also care about their service. I get regular calls from Jo for feedback on how everything is going and if there is a way to tailor the service to work best for my business.
Excellent service and very affordable. I would recommend them very highly.
Excellent service and very affordable. I would recommend them very highly.
Tristan Martin
Oct 24, 2018
I started with I’m Your PA 18 months ago.... They pay for themselves every month by making sure I don’t lose business, as they answer all speculative calls.... meaning my prospective clients don’t go elsewhere.
The service is amazing from all the staff to me and my clients
I would highly recommend you use I’m Your PA.... and see what a difference it can make to your business
The service is amazing from all the staff to me and my clients
I would highly recommend you use I’m Your PA.... and see what a difference it can make to your business
Carol Bailey
Feb 03, 2018
Michelle is a super star. When our chosen venue wasn't ideal for some headshots I was doing of one of her customers, she offered for us to use her offfice. We all headed to I'm you PA's office near the Science Park and set up a mini studio in her meeting room. Add Virtual Studio to your list of services Michelle!
Kirsty Gray
Jan 24, 2017
Sue Gray
Jan 15, 2017
Absolutely marvellous!
I'm your PA have been taking my calls and making appointments for me for over three years now.
I have tried other virtual PA companies I the past and they don't compare to this company.
They offer a bespoke personal service, they are able to deal with special requests, they book appointments straight into my diary for me, which means that I don't even have to call people back.
If you want your business to appear larger, or is you want your business to have the professional edge, then I would certainly give I'm your PA a call.
Before using The team I was loosing business
I'm your PA have been taking my calls and making appointments for me for over three years now.
I have tried other virtual PA companies I the past and they don't compare to this company.
They offer a bespoke personal service, they are able to deal with special requests, they book appointments straight into my diary for me, which means that I don't even have to call people back.
If you want your business to appear larger, or is you want your business to have the professional edge, then I would certainly give I'm your PA a call.
Before using The team I was loosing business