My name is Garry Andrews, I am a Complementary therapist specialising in massage and related therapies. Here you will find information on massage and other therapies which may help you to live a less stressful life. Please feel free to browse my site, I hope you enjoy your visit and I hope it will inspire you to come and enjoy a relaxing massage treatment.
I was diagnosed with cancer(Hodgkins Disease) in 1979, I was treated with radio-therapy which with the passing of time left me in chronic pain in my neck and shoulders, as well as severe headaches and migraines. I was unable to look over my shoulder and movement was severely restricted I had a 48lb head!
I was diagnosed with cancer(Hodgkins Disease) in 1979, I was treated with radio-therapy which with the passing of time left me in chronic pain in my neck and shoulders, as well as severe headaches and migraines. I was unable to look over my shoulder and movement was severely restricted I had a 48lb head!
Reviews (2)
Lindsay Wilding
Nov 02, 2020
Jaime Lovett
Mar 08, 2019
I have been going to see Garry once a month for many many years for a massage, and occasionally for the Dorn Treatment. I had a car crash when I was younger which left me with whip-lash, and I have a job working in an office environment which also contributes majorly to my bad posture. I don’t know what my back would be like now had I not been going to see Garry regularly all these years – He is my miracle cure!! Garry is one of a kind, not only does he have a vast amount ofknowledge in his field but he is friendly, professional, genuine and has a warmth that can make anyone feel welcome