Shanklin Sailing Club was founded in 1931. It is a small club but with all the usual facilities: showers, changing rooms, club house and a gear store. We have 45 Sprint 15 catamarans and a small fleet of Picos. We race on Thursday evenings, Sunday mornings and Tuesday afternoons; but you can sail at any other time.
Shanklin Sailing Club is situated on the south coast of the Isle of Wight between Sandown and Ventnor, the club is located by the beach at the north end of Shanklin's Esplanade. Access to the water is via a shelving sandy beach, which is accessible at any state of tide. Prospective members are very welcome to come along.
Shanklin Sailing Club is situated on the south coast of the Isle of Wight between Sandown and Ventnor, the club is located by the beach at the north end of Shanklin's Esplanade. Access to the water is via a shelving sandy beach, which is accessible at any state of tide. Prospective members are very welcome to come along.
Please contact the secretary on contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com, 01983 862233 or 07753 772172. Boat Park and racking spaces are allocated at the discretion of the Committee and priority will be given to those members who most frequently utilise their craft and the Club's facilities. Subject to all fees having been paid.
Please see below changes to the rules for boats in our boat yard from 2019 onwards. 1Boat Park and racking space allocations to be reviewed annually by the Committee and Boat Park Marshall. 2Boat Park and racking spaces are allocated at the discretion of the Committee and priority will be given to those members who most frequently utilise their craft and the Club's facilities.
2. Objects, - The primary object of The Club is to encourage boat sailing racing and good sportsmanship. The secondary object of The Club is to provide social and other facilities for members as from time to time be determined. 3. Club Burgee, - White burgee with blue cross and symbolic ship in upper quarter.
Founded in 1931, shortly after the demise of the Ventnor Sailing Club, with its four 14ft boats built locally by the Blakes of Ventnor. The club had no premises, but a formidable group of Patrons, which included no less than three Admirals (rtd), and had a Viscount for President, R.H. Fox was elected Commodore and Dr. H.S. Howie Wood Secretary.
The rights of way at a mark of the course depend on what type of buoy is being rounded. Start buoy There is no right to water at a start buoy (or committee boat). Starboard has rights over port. Leeward boats have right of way over windward boats and can luff them as high as head-to-wind before. The key to launching a Sprint 15 in large surf is to start from the right place, go at the right angle and drive the boat hard.
Reviews (1)
Dane Freer
Jul 21, 2021