In the present climate of uncertainty please be assured that we are here for free confidential telephone consultations in relation to any company or personal insolvency issue that may be troubling you. Worcester insolvency practice. Its directors have more than 90 years combined experience, in advising businesses and individuals facing financial difficulty.
Send Smart Insolvency Solutions a short message regarding your situation to receive a call back. Here at SMART INSOLVENCY SOLUTIONS we take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to contact you with regards to your enquiry. We will not use your information for marketing purposes.
Send Smart Insolvency Solutions a short message regarding your situation to receive a call back. Here at SMART INSOLVENCY SOLUTIONS we take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to contact you with regards to your enquiry. We will not use your information for marketing purposes.
What is bankruptcy? Bankruptcy is a court driven process for individuals, designed to deal with debts built up over a period of time, which an individual is unable to pay. Most realisable assets will be sold and shared evenly amongst creditors. Generally bankruptcies last 12 months, after which the individual is discharged and totally debt free, subject to some limitations.
The restrictions that bankruptcy imposes on you can have a crippling affect on your ability to trade, run your business and your livelihood, not to mention the threat of losing your home. That coupled with the devastating consequences to your credit rating which can last up to 6 years, you may be looking for a way to cancel the bankruptcy order made against you.
An Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) is a legally binding agreement between an individual and his/her creditors, which provides for repayment of part of the debt, in full and final settlement of the total debt. The balance is "written off".
Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs) are intended for individuals who may be trading either in partnership or as a sole trader, without the protection of a limited company, or have just accrued personal debts that have become unmanageable.Colin Nicholls and Andrew Shackleton of Smart Insolvency Solutions Ltd are licenced by the Insolvency Practitioners Association.
Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs) are intended for individuals who may be trading either in partnership or as a sole trader, without the protection of a limited company, or have just accrued personal debts that have become unmanageable.Colin Nicholls and Andrew Shackleton of Smart Insolvency Solutions Ltd are licenced by the Insolvency Practitioners Association.
ADMINISTRATIONS - This is a procedure that can offer a company short term protection from its creditors, for the purpose of achieving a better outcome than would otherwise have occurred. This is often achieved by realising an enhanced value for the company's assets, typically by their sale on a 'going concern' basis.
A CVA is a binding agreement between the company and its creditors, which provides for repayment of part of the company's debts, the balance being 'written off'. This enables the company to continue to trade in the long term and produces a better return for the company's creditors than any other form of insolvency procedure.
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