24 Hours Nursing Care is provided under the personal supervision of the Matron. A dedicated team of Registered General Nurses and Health Care Assistants provide very high standards of care and comfort for our elderly residents. See a details user guide here and please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.
If you require any further information about Kestrel Grove Residential & Nursing Home for the elderly, or would like to order a copy of our brochure, kindly contact us. Kestrel Grove is situated in Bushey Heath, a small Hertfordshire village 12 miles from Central London with views over countryside and set in five acres of its own beautiful landscaped gardens.
If you require any further information about Kestrel Grove Residential & Nursing Home for the elderly, or would like to order a copy of our brochure, kindly contact us. Kestrel Grove is situated in Bushey Heath, a small Hertfordshire village 12 miles from Central London with views over countryside and set in five acres of its own beautiful landscaped gardens.
Staff will provide a full range of refreshments throughout the day for all residents and their visitors free of charge. Either ask a member of staff or telephone extension 314 for the New Wing or 326 for the Main House. Any other request such as sandwiches or guest lunches will need to be ordered through the kitchen on extension 317.
Kestrel Grove is one of the longest established care homes in the country. Established in 1966 we have aquired an enviable reputation in the local area. Being a family run business we can offer the personal service you would expect from a five star care environment. Our objective has always been that we care for our residents as we would like our own family members to be cared for.
Kestrel Grove is set in 5 acres of beautiful landscaped gardens. At the bottom of the main lawn is an ornamental pond for the residents and the visitors to enjoy. On site there are stables and a paddock area with grazing horses which can be seen for our comfortable conservatory. A purpose built Bar B Que is situated on the front lawn for the summer months and can be used by residents and their families for private entertainment.
Public rooms include an elegant and spacious lounge and a sun lounge with conservatory, both with television: also a large dining room for those who prefer not to eat in their own accomodation. A modern well equipped kitchen maintains high standards of cuisine and can cater for all dietry requirements.
The Registered Nursing Care Contribution funded by the Herts Valleys Clinical Commissioning Group is not included in the Nursing, Nursing Dementia and palliative Care fee rates quoted above and is refunded. The current rate for 2020-2021 is 183.92 per week. All accounts are payable four weekly in advance, a copy of our terms and conditions should be agreed and signed prior to admission.