Scotia Hearing
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Scotia Hearing
At Scotia Hearing we pride ourselves on our professional approach and outstanding customer care. We offer free Hearing Tests, Digital Hearing Aids, and a range of other devices at competitive prices. We also offer a free home visit service for anyone who is unable to call into our City Centre branch, so basically we offer a digital hearing aid solution to anyone residing not just in Glasgow, but anywhere in Scotland.

Scotia Hearing is an Independent Scottish Company supplying Digital Hearing Aids throughout Scotland. We offer free Hearing Tests, Digital Hearing Aids, and a range of other services such as Ear Wax Removal and Tinnitus care.
All Hearing Aids supplied are not only Digital, but Programmable. This means that should your hearing change during the useful life of the instruments, they can almost always be re-programmed to take account of your new hearing levels. The exception is if your new hearing levels fall outside the fitting limits of the existing instruments.
Hearing loss is normally gradual and insidious - it 'creeps up' on you, so it's common for others to notice it more than you do. Also, if you simply no longer hear certain sounds then clearly you won't know you're missing them. A professional Hearing Evaluation is a scientific and conclusive way of finding out what you do and what you don't hear.
Reviews (1)
Laura M.
Laura M.
Apr 12, 2010
Following three and a bit years working in the constant and close proximity to the 55+ individuals of the nation, I heard a lot of aspects of the ageing game. Luckily, with these negative aspects, I was also told tips, tricks and harbours of refuge too.

While, these harbours of refuge - or at least supplies - will probably no longer exist when full blown decrepency hits me. I remain in a position to be able to highlight these for others.

So, this is why I've chosen to comment on this place. It's relatively small and, for the majority of people, more than a little out of their way