Browse our constantly updating stock with all manner of fabulous, fun, stylish and unusual items - these are just a few of our favourite things (is there a song in there somewhere?). If you'd like more information for anything available on our website, or any other queries we'd love to hear from you!
Whatever the theme, event, celebration or occasion, we've got you covered. We endeavour to provide THE costume everyone else remembers as well as ensuring you arrive at your event with the perfect gift and greeting card for your host(s). We're your very own 'party' personal shopper and our sales team are happy to help and advise you.
Someone once said it's the giving not the receiving that's important and that's what we believe at Fancy-Pants. We try to source the perfect gift for your special occasion, from reputable artisans and independents whenever possible, trading ethically and responsibly. If you would like us to bring our gift range to you, we are happy to exhibit a snapshot of our collections at your function, workplace, or big event.
Fancy having the mother of all dressing up boxes? Our ever-evolving collection of costumes is for sale. We all like to dress up and now you can do it in something completely unique - there will be no awkward moments standing next to someone in the same dress that's for sure! All our vintage and ex-hire collections are in excellent condition and sold as seen.
At Fancy-Pants we believe less is more! That's certainly the case with our bespoke range of greeting cards, classic in their simplicity. Our quality cards are printed locally in Cheshire on paper sourced entirely from sustainable forests.
They are delivered to you protected in a cello bag for your onward posting, or if you prefer we can add your personalised message and post direct to your recipient, alongside any gift you choose from our website.Just add to basket, message us with any details or special requests and we'll do the rest.
They are delivered to you protected in a cello bag for your onward posting, or if you prefer we can add your personalised message and post direct to your recipient, alongside any gift you choose from our website.Just add to basket, message us with any details or special requests and we'll do the rest.