Our credentials help set us apart. We are independent and free to offer impartial, holistic advice, with the expertise and qualifications that go with Chartered Financial Planning Status. A family-run practice since 1991, our heritage means we offer stability and dependability, plus a wealth of experience clients can rely on to help them reach their financial goals.
Every client receives a personalised service. We take time to develop long-term relationships with our select client base, to fully understand their needs and fulfil their individual requirements. Your financial situation is unique. We know that to give you the right advice we need to fully understand where you're coming from and where you want to go.
Every client receives a personalised service. We take time to develop long-term relationships with our select client base, to fully understand their needs and fulfil their individual requirements. Your financial situation is unique. We know that to give you the right advice we need to fully understand where you're coming from and where you want to go.
We'll spend time getting to know you, so we can fully understand and identify your values, needs and goals. We will gather all the financial information that we need to gain a thorough understanding of your current assets. We will analyse your situation to identify all the financial possibilities and opportunities available to you.
Reviews (9)
Andy Gray
Jan 24, 2020
Rodney McCaughey
Dec 29, 2019
Sep 18, 2019
Leeburn Financial Planning has looked after our family’s financial affairs for many years. Originally under the stewardship of founder Ian Leeburn we are now supported by both Graeme and Stuart Leeburn.
We have been guided through many difficult areas such as investing proceeds from the sale of the family business to the managing of my parent’s estate. LFP have very successfully helped us avoid much Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax and now they see that both of us have a very comfortable income through their astute investment strategy which is taylor made for our needs and aspirations
We have been guided through many difficult areas such as investing proceeds from the sale of the family business to the managing of my parent’s estate. LFP have very successfully helped us avoid much Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax and now they see that both of us have a very comfortable income through their astute investment strategy which is taylor made for our needs and aspirations
Richard Murphy
Jul 02, 2019
Patricia Todd
Nov 16, 2018
My husband and I were recommended to see Graeme about a year ago to help with investments and pensions. We found him to be professional, friendly and helpful and willing to answer any questions we had to reassure us about the future. He spent time with us in getting to understand our situation and our priorities and tailoring his recommendations accordingly. We are quite happy to recommend him and the firm to anyone who asking our opinion.
Jeremy Trimble
Oct 20, 2018
Will White
Aug 25, 2018
David Johnston
Jun 10, 2018
Fc Worriers Skills & Drills
Aug 24, 2015
My wife and I first met with Leeburn Financial Planning about 3 years ago, as we had been putting off sorting out our finances for some time. We had a number of investments as well as our pensions which we wanted advice on and I’m pleased to say that 3 years down the road, we are already in a much more positive position and more relaxed about the future. I’d have no hesitation recommending them to others.