Moygannon Nurseries and Garden Centre is family owned horticultural business established in 1992. Over the years the Nursery has expanded and is now able to supply all garden needs. The Centre is fully open to the public, plants can be seen growing from seedlings to maturity. We stock a huge range of Shrubs, Conifers, Heathers, Alpines, Perennials, Trees, Climbers, Roses, Herbs, Fruit and Vegetable Plants.
Experienced and friendly staff are always available to offer help and advice, they will attempt to source specialist plants when required.
Experienced and friendly staff are always available to offer help and advice, they will attempt to source specialist plants when required.
We will deliver to a home or work address in our delivery areas, whichever is more convenient for you. Moygannon Nurseries and Garden Centre is family owned horticultural business established in 1992. Over the years the Nursery has expanded and is now able to supply all garden needs. Moygannon Garden Centre is still open in the midst of the current situation with the full support of our wonderful staff.
Moygannon Nurseries & Garden Centre source our wide range of products from many different suppliers. Scotts Lawncare, Levington Evergreen 3-in-1 complete lawn treatments, Miracle-Gro plant foods, Weedkillers including Roundup, fertilisers, pest and disease control. We also supply and deliver bulk decorative pebbles, screened and unscreened topsoil and mini chip bark, composted bark and bark mulch.