From the moment you arrive at Sapphire Picture Framing you are greeted with a warm and friendly welcome. The 150-year-old beams provide a beautiful backdrop to the huge choice of contemporary and traditional frame samples. Laura will put you at ease while she discusses with you the best way to protect and preserve your artwork and show it off to its absolute best.
As we have a small premises we ask that you wait outside until your appointment time or if there is another customer in the shop, to maintain social distancing.
As we have a small premises we ask that you wait outside until your appointment time or if there is another customer in the shop, to maintain social distancing.
Laura is proud to be an Accredited Professional Framer. The accreditation GCF (APF) is awarded by the Fine Art Trade Guild, which has been in existence for over 100 years, and oversees standards for the art and framing industry. Sapphire Picture Framing was established in Okehampton, and in 2020 moved to its beautiful new premises in Hatherleigh.
If you're happy with the service you have received from us, we'd love it if you'd leave us a review. It really helps us stand out, and tells other potential customers they're in safe hands. If you're not happy with any aspect of our service - please let us know by emailing laura@sapphirepictureframing.co.uk so we can put this right for you.