Social Business is a double-blind peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal which seeks to provide a forum for the exchange of knowledge, experience, insights and ideas about the theory and practice of social business. Journal of Customer Behaviour is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal designed to bridge the perceived gap between consumer behaviour and organisational buyer behaviour.
The Marketing Review is an editorially reviewed journal designed to bridge the middle ground between the more esoteric theorising of academic researchers and the anecdotal approach of journalists. Special Issue: Consumer Vulnerability: Advancing a multidisciplinary perspective of vulnerability.
The Marketing Review is an editorially reviewed journal designed to bridge the middle ground between the more esoteric theorising of academic researchers and the anecdotal approach of journalists. Special Issue: Consumer Vulnerability: Advancing a multidisciplinary perspective of vulnerability.
Westburn Publishers Limited is an academic publisher established in 1983 specialising in Marketing and related subjects. In 2011 Westburn launched Social Business, a journal that seeks to provide a forum for the exchange of knowledge, experience, insights and ideas about the theory and practice of social business from both the academic and practitioner communities.
Social Business (SB) is a double-blind peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal which seeks to provide a forum for the exchange of knowledge, experience, insights and ideas about the theory and practice of social business. Social Business is a double-blind peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal which seeks to provide a forum for the exchange of knowledge, experience, insights and ideas about the theory and practice of social business.
Journal of Customer Behaviour is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal designed to bridge the perceived gap between consumer behaviour and organisational buyer behaviour. Academic manuscript submissions should be made through the Journal's ScholarOne Manuscripts site, whilst Practice-related Content should be submitted to the editorial office by email.
The Marketing Review (TMR) is an editorially reviewed journal designed to bridge the middle ground between the more esoteric theorising of academic researchers and the anecdotal approach of journalists. It provides a definitive treatment of specific Marketing topics by leading authorities on the subject and follows a 'thematic' approach.
Institutional Subscriptions are available in Print Only / Combine Print + Online / Online Only formats. Institutional Online access includes access to the available online backfile for the duration of the current subscription, and includes perpetual access to the subscribed volume whilst Westburn Publishers Ltd remains the publisher of the journal.
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