How would it feel to be completely sure of your financial situation? To know exactly what you want for your future, and that your pensions, investments and savings will provide a comfortable income in the most tax-efficient way possible? As independent financial advisors, we can make this happen for you.
We take time to fully understand your circumstances and your aspirations before assessing your risk profile and introducing you to the saving and investment strategy best suited to your ambitions and your outlook. Finding 'your number' is an emotional calculation, and realising the route you need to get there will change your life.
We take time to fully understand your circumstances and your aspirations before assessing your risk profile and introducing you to the saving and investment strategy best suited to your ambitions and your outlook. Finding 'your number' is an emotional calculation, and realising the route you need to get there will change your life.
You want to look forward to life after work, with the best financial arrangements possible to suit your circumstances and outlook. We can help you to achieve that goal. You'll want trusted advisors who bring fresh clarity to the process and deliver peace of mind about your income, your life plan and your retirement.
Constructing a financial plan is all about knowing what you would like, being aware of the lifestyle you want to achieve, and what your life will look like when you no longer work. What will make you content and how do you know when you're there? We'll help you to understand your goals and enable you to reach them.
Neil and Sue Builder worked hard, very hard. But then they enjoyed the lifestyle which they had created for themselves and their daughters Rebecca and Lucy. So Neil's plan was simple - to pay off his mortgage as quickly as possible. Then, mortgage free, he intended to accumulate as much as possible via his business between 45 and 55 - so he could retire early.
John and Mary 'Got-Too-Much' were in their late 60's and happily enjoying their retirement. And so they should! John had worked long and hard in a Company that he had helped to grow over many years. He had benefited from his share options. He had accumulated some real wealth. They had plenty of income in retirement; from his Final Salary pension, from some private pensions, interest from their savings and dividends from their shares and ISA's.
Mr and Mrs 'Sold Up' had recently sold their business having worked hard for 30+ years. The couple were aged 60 and had no children to whom they could pass on their hard earned wealth. Mr 'Sold Up's' primary concern was to ensure a high return on his capital. Mr and Mrs 'Sold Up' had met with two financial advisers with a view to investing their capital.
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