In our retail shop on the Colomendy Industrial Estate we have thousands of items including fencing materials, gates and troughs, shavings, bulk feed and fertiliser as well as a large warehouse area that stocks feed buckets and minerals, seeds, shavings, silage/hay requirements, pet supplies, agro chemicals, dairy hygiene and much more. The retail shop area is stocked with animal health products, clothing, footwear and wellingtons, toys, household items, and all general items required by farmers on a day to day basis.
Sefydlwyd y cwmni hanner can mlynedd yn nl gan Meirion Davies a'i wraig Audrey ar fferm Y Fron, Prion - yn wreiddiol i werthu hadau a chynhyrchion iechyd anifeiliaid. Ehangodd y cwmni, ac yn 2001 symudwyd i'r safle presennol ar ystd ddiwydiannol yn nhref Dinbych. Wedi colled eu rhieni, gadawyd y busnes i'r meibion - Hywel, Huw a Rob - y tri wedi ymuno a'r cwmni yn syth o'r ysgol ac erbyn hyn wedi dysgu'r gwaith yn drylwyr.
As we learn more about how to extend growing seasons, maintain quality and even extend the life of our crops amidst an ever-changing climate, crop protection advice and products have become essential to all crop farmers. Here at Meirion Davies our staff can advise on agrochemicals and their use. We can also provide you with an agronomist, who will give expert advice on your individual situation, as well as perform a crop walking service.
Proper management of animal health is essential for the wellbeing of all animals, as it allows them to grow, mature, reproduce, express behaviour and live happy, contented lives.
Agricultural animal health care involves correct management and husbandry, as well as veterinary care, and at Meirion Davies we stock a wide range of vaccines, antibiotics, wormers, footcare and nutritional supplements from brands such as Zermex, Heptavac P and Covexin to ensure your animals remain healthy.
Agricultural animal health care involves correct management and husbandry, as well as veterinary care, and at Meirion Davies we stock a wide range of vaccines, antibiotics, wormers, footcare and nutritional supplements from brands such as Zermex, Heptavac P and Covexin to ensure your animals remain healthy.
There are a number of factors to take into consideration when choosing animal bedding, such as the type of bedding and material used, antibacterial properties and cost effectiveness being only a few.
At Meirion Davies we stock a wide range of shavings, sawdust, lime and disinfectants from suppliers such as Jenkinsons, Bolshaws, Plevin and Rumenco, and can offer advice on the best kind of bedding for you, to ensure your animals stay clean, dry and healthy, as well as giving you value for money.
At Meirion Davies we stock a wide range of shavings, sawdust, lime and disinfectants from suppliers such as Jenkinsons, Bolshaws, Plevin and Rumenco, and can offer advice on the best kind of bedding for you, to ensure your animals stay clean, dry and healthy, as well as giving you value for money.
When working, hunting or playing outdoors your clothing needs to be able to withstand all the elements have to throw at it. At Meirion Davies, we stock a wide range of men's, women's and children's coats, trousers, shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, socks, coats, hi-visibility workwear and waterproofs from brands such as Regatta, Dickies, Hunter and Hoggs.