Come and visit our Emporium of Furniture, Antiques, China, Porcelain, Studio Pottery & Curiosities. All in 2000 square feet of retail space for you to explore!. We have many items ranging from silver jewellery, glassware, china and pottery to antique furniture and up-cycled furniture. There is a coffee shop on site with ample free parking and we are Open 7 days a week for you to visit our cornucopia of collectibles.
Hi my name is Gordon Vaughan. I am the proprietor of Chilton Antiques Centre which evolved 25 years ago from an Arts & Crafts Fair which was held every weekend at the garden centre. The centre hosts 30 dealers with an eclectic mixture of antiques and collectables including some more contemporary items in 2000 square feet of retail sales area.
Obviously like other Antique centers, traders come and go throughout time. So on occasion we have available units within our bustling Antiques Center. We have a range of cabinets spaces for smaller items such as jewellery, a vast range of medium 'collectables' units and larger desirable units big enough for furniture.