The WalkWell Clinic exists to help you become free of pain, to move better, and live an active life. We always aim to treat the cause of your problem, not just treat the symptoms. For the benefit of our patients, we are continually researching new methods of treatment. I have been coming for many years.
Excellent treatment with a very professional approach by David (Our Podiatrist), supported by first class staff with patient care. The perfect gift for those who are hard to buy for. We have vouchers for the value of 5, 10, 20, 37, and 40. You can call: 01788 537 300 or email us at: to purchase or order your vouchers.
Excellent treatment with a very professional approach by David (Our Podiatrist), supported by first class staff with patient care. The perfect gift for those who are hard to buy for. We have vouchers for the value of 5, 10, 20, 37, and 40. You can call: 01788 537 300 or email us at: to purchase or order your vouchers.
At The WalkWell Clinic we endeavour to provide the most suitable treatment option for your foot complaint. Our highly skilled podiatrists are able to provide a wide range of minor surgical procedures for many foot complaints. All of the minor surgical procedures involve the administration of a Local Anaesthetic.
Offering a full range of traditional treatments as well as the latest innovations in foot care. The clinical discipline concerned with the assessment, diagnosis and comprehensive management of foot and lower limb problems. Fungal infections of the foot are caused by a group of fungal micro-organisms called dermatophytes.
Aching, tired feet or painful lower limbs do not have to be endured. The cause of such problems is often linked to the way our feet function. Misalignments of the joints and soft tissue structures of the feet can often cause, or make worse, problems in the knees, hips and back. Our feet take the strain of most of our daily activities, and every step we take impacts directly upwards through the body.
David qualified in Birmingham and has been in practice as a chiropodist and podiatrist for over 25 years. Originally, he was reading Law but decided that a legal career was not for him. He met a newly qualified chiropodist who sold the profession to him. So, he applied to Birmingham College, was accepted and duly qualified.