Massage can relieve your muscular stress and tension, aid injury recovery, increase circulation and improve your range of motion. In addition to remedial and sports massage forfar, relaxing Swedish massage is also offered. Massage is a proven method of reducing stress levels, aiding sports performance and reducing injury time. Katrina, a qualified massage therapist, will discuss your needs and goals with you as part of the consultation process on your first session. She is based near Forfar.
Katrina Hands is a Remedial and Sports Massage Therapist who is committed to staying up to date with the latest techniques and research. She is currently working alongside Forfar Farmington Football Club to provide sports massage therapy and pitch-side first aid. She has also provided therapy support at various charitable events.
Treatment has specific aims, agreed with the client, for example - reduce pain in right knee joint; increase range of motion in right knee flexion. Remedial and sports massage forfar therapy uses specialised techniques to target areas causing an issue to the client such as:.
Myofascial release - MFR is a technique to release restrictions such as trigger points, muscle tightness and dysfunctions in soft tissue that may cause pain and restrict movement.MFR focuses on the fascia that surrounds all structures in the body and enables the therapist to locate, evaluate and treat fascial restrictions.
Myofascial release - MFR is a technique to release restrictions such as trigger points, muscle tightness and dysfunctions in soft tissue that may cause pain and restrict movement.MFR focuses on the fascia that surrounds all structures in the body and enables the therapist to locate, evaluate and treat fascial restrictions.
The general assessment looks for postural imbalances and checks alignment of bony landmarks and limbs. The specific assessments target individual joints and check range of movement, muscle power, and if any pain or discomfort is felt during movement. You may experience some discomfort during a massage treatment, especially remedial and sports massage, but your therapist will continually check in with you as to how you are feeling.