In today's fast moving financial markets you need someone working on your behalf to ensure that you get the best out of all aspects of your financial activities. Whether you are a wealthy investor, saving up for something special, looking after your family or planning for retirement. At Forty One Consulting, we are highly experienced in helping our clients to plan for the unexpected, as well as working towards their personal financial goals.
We aim to help you achieve your aspirations - like you would with any journey, adjusting along the way where necessary. Please take a few minutes to look at whichever sections of this website are of interest to you, for more information about how we can help you. Then feel free to contact us for a no-obligation initial discussion.
We aim to help you achieve your aspirations - like you would with any journey, adjusting along the way where necessary. Please take a few minutes to look at whichever sections of this website are of interest to you, for more information about how we can help you. Then feel free to contact us for a no-obligation initial discussion.
Our responsibility is towards our clients, ensuring the most appropriate solutions are achieved. We evaluate needs and provide services and solutions from the entire UK financial services market. Evaluating your existing arrangements; researching and revising, where necessary, and match these with your ambitions.
Retirement planning has always been complicated and, despite efforts to simplify matters, it unfortunately remains so. Tax-free growth within the fund (except for the 10% withholding tax on dividends from UK companies);. Many business owners prefer to take control of their Retirement Savings using Self Investment Personal Pensions (SIPPS) or Small Self Administered Schemes (SSAS).
We advise on the level of cover appropriate to your requirements, the best form of insurance to meet your needs and then make the necessary arrangements for you. If you run your own business, there are finance risks beyond those covered by commercial insurance policies including the financial loss your business could suffer were you, a partner, or a key employee to die or become severely ill and unable to work.
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