The story starts back in 1746 with the marriage of Marjorie Gilzean and a young man called Andrew Anderson. Andrew had joined a Hanovarian Regiment in Elgin. She and Andrew left Elgin when the Regiment moved South. Their travels are something of a mystery but it is likely they may have travelled as far as Spain or Gibraltar with the Regiment.
The next we hear of Marjorie was in 1748 when she arrived back in Elgin without her husband, whom we believe had been killed in action. She had travelled hundreds of miles on foot to get back to her native Elgin where she eventually arrived penniless and with a child in her arms.
The next we hear of Marjorie was in 1748 when she arrived back in Elgin without her husband, whom we believe had been killed in action. She had travelled hundreds of miles on foot to get back to her native Elgin where she eventually arrived penniless and with a child in her arms.
Anderson's Care Home comprises of five units. The units vary in size and can accommodate from eight to thirteen residents on a single occupancy basis - we have a few large bedsitting rooms which are popular with couples or friends who wish to share. Anderson's in total may accommodate 53 older people.
Anderson's is registered as a care service with the Care Inspectorate who regularly inspect our service to ensure that we are meeting the required National Care Standards and working to improve the quality of care for everyone. We are always happy to discuss any aspect of these reports, please do not hesitate to make contact with us.
The Head of Catering and her team ensure that residents are provided with an interesting and varied selection of meals. Meat is obtained fresh from a local butcher of high repute and fish is delivered fresh from a few miles along the coast. Vegetables and fruit from our own gardens are used when in season otherwise we use a local supplier.
The aim of the Enablement Suite is to promote both independent living within a safe, comfortable and secure environment. The prime objective of this project is to provide the necessary care and support to enable people to live longer in their own homes. The project offers a wide range of support based on both physical and emotional health and wellbeing, focusing on the individual needs of each referred client.
Anderson's Care Home is situated at the east end of the city of Elgin in Moray. As well as an ancient cathedral, Elgin has many interesting features within easy reach e.g. Anderson's has a variety of lovely gardens. There is the formal Victorian style garden which is a popular area in the summer for residents and visitors to walk or sit in; it also provides an ideal setting for our barbeques and special days in the summer.
Reviews (1)
Aug 27, 2016