Quick Pest Control Ltd provides pest control services across London for professional clients and homeowners. Our fully qualified, experienced pest control technicians deal with pest infestations including ants, bedbugs, mice, rats, squirrels, wasps, pigeons - and lots more. Whether you're a managing agent who needs on-call pest controllers for managed properties, or you're a householder who has a mouse problem in your kitchen, we can help.
When you book an appointment with us, our friendly staff will turn up on time, help you to identify the pest that's causing the problem, and give you all the information you need to understand what needs to be done. We specialise in pest control services for managing agents and can provide on-call pest control for your whole portfolio of properties.
When you book an appointment with us, our friendly staff will turn up on time, help you to identify the pest that's causing the problem, and give you all the information you need to understand what needs to be done. We specialise in pest control services for managing agents and can provide on-call pest control for your whole portfolio of properties.
Quick Pest Control provide tailor-made pest control services dependent on your circumstances and budget. From individual visits to long-term contracts, we are confident that we can provide you with an unrivalled service at a highly competitive price. Based locally, we are able to beat any call-out time of the major pest control companies.
Here at Quick Pest Control, we can take control of any pest problem you may have. No matter how small or large, we'll solve it fast, efficiently and professionally. We're experts at controlling pests in and around the home including ants, bedbugs, cockroaches, wasps, mice, rats, squirrels and many others.
We contacted Quick Pest Control as we found some mouse droppings in the kitchen. They attended our property within hours and explained everything they were doing and were extremely friendly and professional. They had the problem cleared up in no time. We employ Quick Pest Control to look after our restaurant for pest control and maintenance.