Whatever business you are in or whatever your walk of life, you are likely to encounter a legal dispute. When you do, you should look to someone who can provide you with no-nonsense, pragmatic advice. We at Stuart Ward Solicitors aim to provide our clients with straightforward advice in a language our clients understand.
Since 2007 we have been providing advice to individuals and organisations, large and small, throughout England & Wales on most disputes which ultimately involve the courts of England & Wales. If we cannot act for you, for example your matter falls outside our expertise, we will tell you and point you in the direction of someone who can help you.
Since 2007 we have been providing advice to individuals and organisations, large and small, throughout England & Wales on most disputes which ultimately involve the courts of England & Wales. If we cannot act for you, for example your matter falls outside our expertise, we will tell you and point you in the direction of someone who can help you.
It is a fact of life people have accumulated more wealth through home ownership than ever before. Consequently an individual's wealth can be sufficiently high enough to result in claims on that wealth. Stuart Ward is a member of the Association of Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists having successfully completed the Education Course some years ago.
Crucial to any successful debt recovery is knowledge of the enforcement procedures open to our clients. We will advise on the most appropriate method of enforcement available. Where the circumstances justify it, we will advise on compulsory liquidation of a limited company or bankruptcy of an individual.
If you are involved or about to be involved in litigation, you will know what a lonely place that can be. We aim to act in partnership with our clients to work through the challenges and demands of litigation. We are experienced in disputes concerning breach of contract and negligence acting for businesses and individuals.
We recognise there are some disputes that simply cannot be resolved other than through the Courts. However, most cases are suitable for Mediation or Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Courts encourage parties to consider Mediation. We are great believers in Mediation as a method of resolving disputes and will encourage our clients to consider Mediation at all stages of the litigation process.
All commercial property in England & Wales are subject of Non-Domestic Rates or Business Rates as they are more commonly referred to. Non-Domestic Rates are often a significant overhead for commercial property occupiers and owners. Rating law and the determination of disputes is a specialist area of legal work.