Unlike some operators, Airport Transfers Harrogate taxi fares are the same regardless of day and time of travel with the exception of bank holidays. Remember, there are no extra charges for comfort breaks on our longer trips. Airport Transfers Harrogate is available for local services within the area if we are not already booked for airport runs.
Standard Harrogate Borough Council Tariffs apply. We charge more for local journeys between midnight and 6am and all day on bank holidays. Although based in Harrogate, Knaresborough is only a short distance away and we can therefore be booked in Knaresborough and surrounding villages as well. If you are looking for a local Knaresborough taxi, we recommend AJ Cars - the largest Knaresborough based taxi office.
Standard Harrogate Borough Council Tariffs apply. We charge more for local journeys between midnight and 6am and all day on bank holidays. Although based in Harrogate, Knaresborough is only a short distance away and we can therefore be booked in Knaresborough and surrounding villages as well. If you are looking for a local Knaresborough taxi, we recommend AJ Cars - the largest Knaresborough based taxi office.
Airport Transfers Harrogate is licensed by Harrogate Borough Council for up to seven passengers. If you would like more information on Harrogate to York Station Taxi services or any of these services please call John Whitehead direct on 07950 173 630. We are also contactable via email, please use the form on the Contact Us page of this website.
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