Our ratios are 1 staff member to 3 children under 2 years old, and 1 staff member to 4 children under 3 years old. Our staff within the preschool may also work within the room for work experience and cover. Welcome to the Bumbles room, my name is Louise and I am the room leader. I will give you a tour of the room, with the different areas and how our routine works during the day.

The sessions in this room are 9am-12pm for a morning session, 12pm-3pm for an afternoon session and 9am-3pm for all day. The age group within this room is from 3 months to 3 years old. We complete a daily sheet for the children who are under 2. This is a breakdown of what they have been doing during their day, lunch and snack times and bottles for the children who have milk.
All of our staff have or are working towards relevant childcare qualifications and are committed to ongoing training. In the room we have a construction area, where we have lots of cars, trains, tracks, building blocks, doll houses and much more, We use this area to help the children with their 'understanding of the world' through building things that are familiar around them, block play and small world play.
The setting provides a variety of healthy mid-morning and afternoon snacks, as well as water and milk being provided. A newsletter goes out at the start of every half term, to inform parents/carers of term times and any activities or events. All of our staff have regular training and have an understanding of Child Protection/Safeguarding.
This term has been such an exciting one for us. To celebrate Spring we received duck eggs from 'Incredible Eggs'. The children loved looking after them and watching them hatch, and become gorgeous ducklings. It was sad day when they left to go to their new home. The children also had the pleasure of having a butterfly garden from 'Insect Lore'.
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