Outdoor group sessions are currently running, check out our timetables below. Bootcamp is held at Westbank Park with the exception of our two 6.15am sessions, which run from Acomb Green. Outdoor classes can be booked using our free app - download the app here. If you haven't registered with Ouch Potato yet then please email us and we'll get back to you asap to answer your questions and talk about how best we can help you.
We have set out to help people of all ages, sizes and fitness levels to have a safe, friendly space to enjoy getting fitter and healthier. If you'd like to have a chat to discuss your situation, then please email us with your contact details or, if you'd prefer, just email us any questions you have and we'll get right back to you.
We have set out to help people of all ages, sizes and fitness levels to have a safe, friendly space to enjoy getting fitter and healthier. If you'd like to have a chat to discuss your situation, then please email us with your contact details or, if you'd prefer, just email us any questions you have and we'll get right back to you.
Join us at Ouch Potato Gym for fun and energetic classes in a discreet gym in Acomb, York. Hi, i'm Steven, I have gorgeous blue eyes and a fantastic personality but enough about me and more about Ouch Potato. My journey as a personal trainer started with a passion for fitness, but not only that, I wanted to offer a fun and relaxing experience, free from the pressure of large gyms.
Join us at Ouch Potato Gym for fun and energetic classes in a discreet gym in Acomb, York. By following the ouch potato live work outs you recognise that there is always an element of risk involved with physical activity and you participate at your own risk. Payment will be taken the day you subscribe, and will continue every week on that same day unless you contact to cancel via email, phone or facebook messenger.
Welcome to our series of 10 minute home workouts which we are putting together to help all our customers keep fit at home. We know it's not easy to keep the motivation going during lockdown but if you can follow along to at least 2 or 3 of these workouts a week it will help you keep in good shape for the time we can all get back to the gym.
Don't take our word for it - see the amazing results our #DefeatTheFad squad have achieved during the programme. Defeat the Fad has been a really good programme that has kick-started me back into a better all-round attitude to my own health and fitness. I feel 100% better and I've seen massive changes in everything from rugby performance to being able to sit cross legged for the first time since I left school.
Now I know what you're going to say - how can anyone exercise on lockdown? Surely you've just accepted all your hard work is going to go to waste? Well actually. I genuinely think I might come out of this even fitter! I personally use exercise as a mood-regulator and energy booster, and in recent days I've found I need this more than ever.
Reviews (5)
Chris Blackwood
Dec 06, 2021
Adrian Black
Dec 30, 2020
Liza Jane
Jul 06, 2020
The website says they don't take themselves seriously and they don't but they do take your fitness seriously. Steve put me at ease and supported me through my first ever personal trainer session. Not a single corporate logo in sight, no bonus deals or false promises. I'll be going back because I want to.
Kelly Payne
Dec 21, 2019
I would just like to give a big shout out to Steve at Ouch Potato for his considerate approach in regards to my partially sighted abilities, with joining the classes, adapting his sessions, where I feel I can take part as a normal able-sighted person. His friendly approach pushes me to meet my goals as a normal person.
James Meredith
Oct 18, 2018