Our philosophy is to provide a very personable service where we approach your problems as a whole, understanding your way of life. The smallest detail can make a significant change. At Physio Team-Works clinic, we provide the highest standard of care possible to all our patients and clients. We achieve this through concise, excellent diagnostic skills based on good clinical evidence.
Call 01457 837 211 to speak to one of our Chartered Physiotherapists to make an appointment or for advice. Your first physiotherapy session will be conducted in a private room on a one to one basis with strict confidentiality. You will be asked a series of questions to note your current complaints and any past medical history that is relevant.
Call 01457 837 211 to speak to one of our Chartered Physiotherapists to make an appointment or for advice. Your first physiotherapy session will be conducted in a private room on a one to one basis with strict confidentiality. You will be asked a series of questions to note your current complaints and any past medical history that is relevant.
Meet the team of physiotherapists, counsellors, podiatrist/chiropodist, and administration staff that makes Physio Team-Works. The clinic was founded and is lead by Dave Carter who for more than 20 years has treated many thousands of patients over the North West region. Dave graduated from Manchester Victoria University with a BS.c (Hons) degree in Physiotherapy and has worked within the NHS and Private Practice.
Headache is one of the commonest symptoms experienced by human beings - indeed it is unusual not to have at least occasional headaches. Several large studies have found that 80 to 90 per cent of the general population say they have had at least one headache in the previous year.
When we say it is a symptom, we mean that it is not a disease in itself, but a change which we notice in the body that can in some cases be a sign of a problem or disease.Most headaches prove to be entirely harmless and are best treated with ordinary painkillers, but headache is still the commonest single reason for which patients are referred by their GPs for specialist opinion.
When we say it is a symptom, we mean that it is not a disease in itself, but a change which we notice in the body that can in some cases be a sign of a problem or disease.Most headaches prove to be entirely harmless and are best treated with ordinary painkillers, but headache is still the commonest single reason for which patients are referred by their GPs for specialist opinion.
Bad posture may also be a contributing factor in some cases. For example, neck pain is more common in people who spend much of their working day at a desk, with a 'bent-forward' posture. It is a complaint and one which we see most commonly in our clinic. This is the result of prolonged postures or positions that can affect joint surfaces, muscles or tendons.
Sports people and manual workers commonly complain of pain on the outside aspect of the elbow, commonly due to repetitive wrist extension activities. This condition is traditionally labelled "tennis elbow". Pain is caused by the scarring, thickening and tightening of one of the wrist extensor tendons that attaches just below the outside aspect of the elbow joint.
Four out of five of us get back pain at some time. Most back pain is caused by a simple sprain or strain and improves in a short time with simple self-help treatments. However, sometimes back pain becomes persistent (chronic) or has a more complex cause. Either way, there is a great deal you can do to help yourself, our treatments however are available to help with the more complex problems.