We now offer for sale, 1 Atholl Place, Fraserburgh which is an end-terraced two bedroomed house, that would be ideal. 56 High Street, New Aberdour is a three bedroomed semi-detached granite built house that is set back from the main. 13 Strichen Court, Fraserburgh is an exceptionally spacious 5 bedroomed house, situated within a highly desirable residential area of the.
Rosedale, 4 Fife Street, Turriff, is a spacious 3 bedroom detached bungalow, occupying a good sized plot, within the heart.
Rosedale, 4 Fife Street, Turriff, is a spacious 3 bedroom detached bungalow, occupying a good sized plot, within the heart.
With offices in Fraserburgh and Turriff, Brown & McRae provides a comprehensive range of legal services for both the private and commercial clients and the "Services" section of this website lists our main areas of work. Barry was educated in Fraserburgh and graduated from Aberdeen University in 2003.
This list, although comprehensive, is not intended to be absolute. Should therefore, you have a problem or requirement which is not highlighted to the right, please do get in touch with us, and we shall be pleased to let you know whether we can indeed be of assistance to you. The Law Society of Scotland have recently produced a series of videos explaining the work of a solicitor in a variety of situations.
Reviews (1)
Kenny Hood
Jan 23, 2020
An excellent service from this local firm. From the very start nothing was too much trouble. The staff, from the receptionists and property manager, to the solicitor handling the legal details, were extremely professional and obliging. They kept me informed at every stage of the process and were very clear in the information they provided.
I must give a special thanks to Jim who helped me move the last of my personal effects. He went out of his way in his duties to ensure the property was ready for the new buyers to move in.
All in all an excellent service -fast, efficient and very hassle free
I must give a special thanks to Jim who helped me move the last of my personal effects. He went out of his way in his duties to ensure the property was ready for the new buyers to move in.
All in all an excellent service -fast, efficient and very hassle free