Following the announcement of The Queens Green Canopy (QGC) initiative, and the call to 'Plant a tree for the Jubilee', we look forward to helping all our customers celebrate the Queens lifetime of service to the nation.
Whether you're a council or land owner looking to plant an jubilee avenue or copse, or a community group or individual looking to plant commemorative trees, we believe our 105 acres of British grown trees are the ideal starting point.Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us by telephone or email to discuss your requirements.
Whether you're a council or land owner looking to plant an jubilee avenue or copse, or a community group or individual looking to plant commemorative trees, we believe our 105 acres of British grown trees are the ideal starting point.Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us by telephone or email to discuss your requirements.
Covering a total area of 130 acres, we specialise in field grown trees ranging in size from transplants to, and including, multi-stems and semi-matures. We also produce over 800,000 container grown plants covering over 600 species, ranging in size from 2 litre to specimens in 200 litre plus, with 10 and 25 litres a specialty.
During this process, advice on tree suitability and pit specification will be offered to best suit the client's requirements. For amenity landscapes, the majority of smaller shrubs are packed in non-returnable cardboard pallets. For larger and more fragile plants, these are packed in returnable wood or metal cages.
Field grown trees are supplied either bare root or root balled from mid October to April, dependant on variety and size. Growing on our 105 acres of 'Grade 1' type soil, excellent fibrous root systems are naturally produced which when combined with our strict growing regime, produce strong healthy trees ready for the most challenging of sites.
Southport, we pride ourselves on offering an extensive choice of quality trees, shrubs, plants and more at competitive prices. Although allocated on the nursery, plants are not packed until one or two days before a delivery is due to take place. They are either packed in non-returnable cardboard pallets or returnable metal cages.
Please be aware this is a working nursery with the associated dangers and as such children and pets are not permitted on site. The Wholesale Cash & Carry is situated just one mile north of Southport on the A565. Whatever your requirement, the 6 acres of stock allows our customers to hand select their plants at short notice, whilst providing the inspiration and convenience required to satisfy the most demanding of sites.