I like to work relationally and face-to-face with people as equals, and to encourage the development of self-esteem and self-respect. My work is aimed at helping people see their own way, their own patterns and to explore their inner selves to discover what makes them a unique individual and address personal issues that seem problematic to them, or to gain new perspectives on their lives.
Attending here-and-now experiences are central to the therapeutic process. I use the latest methodologies as appropriate to heighten awareness as I believe that increased awareness of our thoughts, feelings and behaviour, bodily responses, symptoms, illnesses, dreams and fantasies can lead to more conscious choices and to a release of creative energy.
Attending here-and-now experiences are central to the therapeutic process. I use the latest methodologies as appropriate to heighten awareness as I believe that increased awareness of our thoughts, feelings and behaviour, bodily responses, symptoms, illnesses, dreams and fantasies can lead to more conscious choices and to a release of creative energy.
Psychotherapy and counselling provide opportunities to talk about yourself, in confidence, to someone outside your usual situation - someone skilled in listening, and trained to help you explore your thinking, your behaviour, your feelings and your situation. The terms 'counselling' and 'psychotherapy' are often used interchangeably and each have variable lengths of training for the practitioner.
People seek therapy for a variety of reasons. Many find it a way of furthering their self-development and enriching their experiences. Others may want help with a specific area of their lives, or they may be experiencing a more general sense of stress, dissatisfaction, depression or confusion. This may be brought on by recent events or be part of a longer-term pattern.
In Gestalt therapy the main concern is with your responses in the present. This might involve looking at your past and how it affects you here and now. The main aim is to aid understanding and awareness in a non-judgemental manner. From this supportive relationship we are often able to move towards constructive ways of being and changing.
The term 'transpersonal' means 'beyond the personal' and this humanistic approach to therapy explores human growth and helps people to discover a deeper self that exists beyond our everyday functioning self. The transpersonal approach to therapy values wholeness considering that the self is a combination of transpersonal, self-transcendent and spiritual aspects of human experience.
Do you sometimes feel that the world is flying past you and that you've stopped noticing anything other than your own work, stress and problems? A kind of tunnel vision? When we start to feel like this it can get overwhelming physically and mentally. Mindfulness can be an antidote to the exhausting merry-go-round of modern living.
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