Dental implants may be recommended instead of having the conventional crown and bridgework or dentures. Brighten your teeth by several shades with our 1 hour In-Office power whitening and home whitening maintenance kits. Wynyard Dental is a Fleming Family Practice run by dental surgeons Frederick Fleming and his sons Nicholas and Timothy.
With over 100 years combined experience between them they offer a unique perspective on private dentistry. Established in 2005, Wynyard Dental has been providing affordable private and cosmetic dentistry to families in the North East for over 15 years. The practice prides itself in the personal care and attention it gives each and every patient and the level of service it is in a position to offer.
With over 100 years combined experience between them they offer a unique perspective on private dentistry. Established in 2005, Wynyard Dental has been providing affordable private and cosmetic dentistry to families in the North East for over 15 years. The practice prides itself in the personal care and attention it gives each and every patient and the level of service it is in a position to offer.
State-of-the-art implant technology makes it possible to provide replacement teeth that look, feel and function like natural teeth. If you have a missing tooth or teeth, dental implants may be recommended instead of having the conventional crown and bridgework or dentures. Dental implants look, feel and function like a natural tooth and can be cleaned just like a natural tooth.
When it comes to deciding on the best treatment type for straightening your teeth, there really is only one option; Invisalign. This treatment offers the latest innovation available with the newest breakthrough technology from clinical studies and technology that can accurately control the way your teeth are straightened.
At Wynyard Dental, we use 3M brackets. These have a proven track-record worldwide for their performance, beautiful aesthetics, and they are nearly invisible in the mouth. We also use tooth-coloured wires making our braces the most aesthetic when compared to similar systems. Quick Straight Teeth is a system used to correct mild misalignment of the front 6 to 8 teeth, to give you a beautiful smile.
Crowns are used to replace broken, damaged or severely decayed teeth. In the past, if you needed a dental crown you had only one option: a metal crown; usually made from gold. But, with advances in the strength and durability of ceramics, you now have a choice between traditional metal crowns; porcelain crowns fused to metal; porcelain onlays; or crowns made entirely from porcelain or reinforced resin.
Your smile is important. It's one of the first things you notice when you meet someone. A whiter, brighter smile is beautiful - it can help you feel better about yourself and make a memorable impression. Your lifestyle and the aging process can stain and darken your teeth. Many things we do on a regular basis can contribute to stained teeth, such as drinking coffee, tea, cola and red wine or smoking.