Every Stock Florist bouquet is hand-tied at our beautiful working flower shop in the heart of Essex and Hertfordshire. We source only the finest fresh cut flowers from the best growers around the world. Stock Florist hold flower school classes throughout the year. We will show you how to create your own bouquet, wreath or centrepiece and you can see how the professionals work behind the scenes.
Book a class, enjoy a glass of wine and create a beautiful display with your friends or family. From bridal bouquets, buttonholes to floral archways and centrepieces, we will work with you all the way. We listen to your ideas and advise on experience on how we can make you day look as perfect as possible.
Book a class, enjoy a glass of wine and create a beautiful display with your friends or family. From bridal bouquets, buttonholes to floral archways and centrepieces, we will work with you all the way. We listen to your ideas and advise on experience on how we can make you day look as perfect as possible.
Having a designated wedding team we offer bespoke wedding packages to our brides, no budget too big or too small but each one unique and personal. With a cutting edge to the wedding industry, we offer on-trend ideas and accessories. From hanging installations to wedding arches, venue dcor to delivering that ever-important bridal bouquet we are proud of all our Stock Florist brides both old and new.
An award winning Essex and Hertfordshire florist delivering fresh flowers across the counties, with free local delivery. Inspired by the rich autumnal landscape, late afternoon walks in the British countryside, the flutter and melody of the birds in the hedgerows, here we have our offering of signature bouquet designs for autumn 2021.
You can add our shop items to your basket and send to your loved ones with a bouquet or as a single item. As a stockist to Charbonnel Et Walker at Florence Walk we have a variety of delicious boxed chocolates. Products come gift-wrapped, simply select from our range below. Stock Florist are stockists of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew Collection plant pots.
A regular delivery of beautifully designed and delicately crafted flowers by our artisan floral team. We also offer fresh/seasonal subscription flowers - we chose the flowers and deliver them to you so you can create your own floral masterpiece. If you need to touch up your florist skills why not attend our popular vase filing class at Stock Florist Flower School.
As the winner of Best British Wedding Florist and Essex Wedding Florist of the year 2019 and 2020, we know a thing or two about creating the most stunning wedding flowers! Flowers add the wow factor to any wedding/venue and are the first thing you and your guests will see when they walk into your reception.
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