From grease to sludge, sand and other debris, our high performance pressure washing equipment will clean the stubborn waste right off. From root growth to stubborn waste accumulation, you can rely on us to locate the obstructions and remove them completely. Since no structural alterations are involved, you can be assured that your drainage systems will not be damaged in any way.
We provide thorough root removal work and ensure that your pipes are patched up properly. We specialise in quick response work and ensure that you get the best services in the shortest possible time. From waste removal to guttering repairs, we have the expertise to help maintain your guttering systems well.
We provide thorough root removal work and ensure that your pipes are patched up properly. We specialise in quick response work and ensure that you get the best services in the shortest possible time. From waste removal to guttering repairs, we have the expertise to help maintain your guttering systems well.
Reviews (5)
Selby Tennis Club EMail
Jul 24, 2021
James Snowball
Mar 19, 2021
I had a blocked rainwater drain. I rang TC Drains, quite late on, and the chap who I spoke to was really helpful. He explained to me the reasons why the rainwater drain was ‘blocked’. He explained that he was happy enough to pop round and have a look to see what could be done but advised that we observe it for a while - apparently it leads to a soak away rather than the sewer, and the sheer amount of rainfall we’ve had recently could well be the reason the soak away isn’t working. After all the rainfall the ground is saturated and it’s not going anywhere fast - the water table is high
Penni McNalty
Mar 17, 2021
Andy Hawke
Feb 23, 2021
Nov 10, 2020