Showcase your brand to full effect with flexible creative elements and thoughtful user experiences. We're delighted to have acquired 20% of our new customers through referrals. Mention Me is in our top two marketing channels, both by number of customers acquired and overall revenue generated. Experimenting with A/B tests has given us valuable insight into our customers and promoting referral has been a great way to reiterate our brand's message.
We can't wait to see what referral helps us to achieve next! The Client Success team takes the time to understand and align referral with our goals, provide great analysis of how we're performing, and is always there to answer questions. Referral is now a valuable part of allplants' acquisition strategy.
We can't wait to see what referral helps us to achieve next! The Client Success team takes the time to understand and align referral with our goals, provide great analysis of how we're performing, and is always there to answer questions. Referral is now a valuable part of allplants' acquisition strategy.