It is possible that at certain times we will not be able to able to answer our incoming phone calls but do be assured that any messages left on our answer system will be returned. Leave your name, contact number and a short message with our operators - and we will get back to you soon. Appointments will be spaced to allow for cleaning procedures between patients, so that will mean you're offered fewer options for scheduling.
We are a caring modern family dental clinic located in the heart of Sevenoaks, and have been providing high quality dentistry, with outstanding continuity of care and service to the local community since many years. We have earned a reputation for excellent dental care and customer service, with many of our new patients registering with us due to personal recommendation.
Dental implants are an excellent solution for the millions of people who have permanently lost a single tooth, many teeth or for those who use dentures. Made of materials that are compatible with human bone and tissue, dental implants provide artificial teeth that look natural and feel secure. They can also be used to attach full or partial dentures.
If you dream of being able to throw your head back and laugh with wild abandon, then virtually invisible white fillings are the way forward. It takes some creative flair to match your teeth precisely but that's just what our skilled dentist boasts at JR Dental Practice. At JR Dental Practice, we use the most effective, modern, tooth-coloured materials.
Our caring staff is accomplished in treating the most difficult root canal treatment cases. We often have great success in treating patients who are experiencing pain or want to save their natural tooth, which might otherwise need extraction. By choosing Root canal treatment, you are choosing to keep your natural teeth.
A crown, sometimes known as a 'cap' is a protective cover fitted over the existing structure of a broken or damaged tooth to restore it's function and appearance. Before we begin your treatment we'll talk you through your options of course as we offer a full range of cosmetic dental crowns.
For instance, if you require a crown at the back of your mouth you may prefer to opt for a hardwearing, less expensive crown made from ultra-durable dental composite.Alternatively, if you need a crown towards the front of your mouth you may decide to choose a natural looking cosmetic tooth-coloured one.
For instance, if you require a crown at the back of your mouth you may prefer to opt for a hardwearing, less expensive crown made from ultra-durable dental composite.Alternatively, if you need a crown towards the front of your mouth you may decide to choose a natural looking cosmetic tooth-coloured one.
Reviews (6)
Oxana Buga
Dec 28, 2021
Nicola Goodall
Sep 24, 2019
Andrew Moore
Jul 01, 2018
As a patient at this practice I always feel reassured and confident in the advice and treatment I receive. Jay and Diane always take time to listen to any questions or concerns and fully explain any treatment plans and the available options.
I have known Wendy, Jay and Diane for more than 20 years and although I now live over 70 miles away JR dental is definitely my number one choice!
I have known Wendy, Jay and Diane for more than 20 years and although I now live over 70 miles away JR dental is definitely my number one choice!
Anthony Akerman
Nov 23, 2017
James Every
Dec 31, 2016
Jay has been looking after my teeth for over 10 years now and I can highly recommend his professionalism. When he gently suggested that I might require veneers to correct decades of grinding my teeth at night he said I should wait until he had returned from a course in the US to learn a new technique that would allow him to install a temporary repair that should last a few months. Several years later the 'temporary' repairs are still working fine and he has said that there is no need to progress to the much more expensive permanent option for the foreseeable future. Highly recommended.
Sarah Harvey
Nov 07, 2016
Very professional, friendly practice. My family and I have been seeing Dr JR and Diane regularly for the last ten years. They were recommended to us by a friend when we moved to Sevenoaks and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them to others. I was particularly impressed at my first appointment with Dr JR when he complimented my veneer; I thought it was a good sign that he was willing to praise another dentist's work! It is always easy to make appointments (Wendy fitted me in recently at very short notice) and Dr JR is great with the children. My daughter was quite nervous and he quickly put her