SMN Will Writing Services are specialists in Wills, Probate, Trusts & Lasting Power of Attorney(LPA). The company already has many clients across Kent, London, Essex, Sussex and Surrey. Writing a last will and testament is very important for your families security, and your own peace of mind. Professional, expert legal services are vital when making a Will.
Last year, approximately 70% of the people who died in the UK did not leave a Will, potentially reducing the value of their families' inheritance, and causing untold stress, problems and additional costs at a time when the last thing they needed was difficulty and worry. Our aim is to make writing your Will as easy and convenient as possible.
Last year, approximately 70% of the people who died in the UK did not leave a Will, potentially reducing the value of their families' inheritance, and causing untold stress, problems and additional costs at a time when the last thing they needed was difficulty and worry. Our aim is to make writing your Will as easy and convenient as possible.
SMN Will Writing Services can write your Will for you. We specialise in single, mirror Wills, guardian clauses, IHT trust clauses, property clauses. If you want to discuss making a Will or want to find out what is involved, SMN Will Writing Services will assist by coming to see you to discuss what your requirements are.
A Property and Financial Affairs LPA covers decisions about your finances and property. If there comes a time when you can't manage your finances anymore, the attorney will do this for you. This can include paying your bills, collecting your income and benefits, or selling your house. However, if you wish to, you can restrict their powers, or place conditions on what they can do.
Probate is when a deceased estate is gathered in and documents submitted to the Probate Registry in order to get Probate for the Administrators or Executors of the deceased's estate. It depends on whether the deceased died intestate (without a Will) or testate (with a Will). SMN Will Writing Services offers Probate as a specialist service.
SMN Will Writing Services can advise you on trusts especially Property Protection Trusts and Family Protection Trusts. These Trusts protect the assets that you put into them such as a property which is valued below the IHT limit. The Trust is set up by a Settlor and the trustees are usually the Settlor and members of the close family.
SMN Will Writing Services is a small local firm in Dartford which has been practising in the local area for 10 years. There is also a branch in Deal, Kent, which can help you with all the matters set out on this website. Please contact Nick Bryant in Deal for this service, nick@smnwillwritingservices.com.
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