In an effort to reduce the amount of single use plastic we have a range of glass and plastic reusable water bottles available from Borg & Overstrm. Give us a call to make your order. Filtered Water Coolers Limited is a privately owned company established in 2010. We aim to make choosing a water cooler supplier as easy as possible, our team of experts are on hand to guide you and offer free important advice that will pay off in the long run.
Buyers beware do you really know the background and story of every company you trade with, believe it or not most SME business's admitted following a recent study that they don't research or take the time to. An unchanged filter could hold nasty toxins that can alter the taste of your water and cause damage to the Water Cooler unit, and more important your health and wellbeing.
Buyers beware do you really know the background and story of every company you trade with, believe it or not most SME business's admitted following a recent study that they don't research or take the time to. An unchanged filter could hold nasty toxins that can alter the taste of your water and cause damage to the Water Cooler unit, and more important your health and wellbeing.
We have lot's of really cool easy payment and amazing purchase options, most of which can be interest free and spread your payments. We even now offer free on loan vending options which you may qualify for (just ask us for details how this works). We are celebrating our big birthday this year, we have a special offer for you which is your very own free FWC 10th anniversary sports bottle for requesting a competitive quotation.
An unchanged filter could hold nasty toxins that can alter the taste of your water and cause damage to the Water Cooler unit, and more important your health and wellbeing. If you think of the water cooler filter like the air filter within your car, think of how your car engine's performance would be affected if you did not perform the proper maintenance on it at regular intervals.
Reviews (1)
Mitesh Chouhan
Feb 20, 2021