Apex Tubes & Valves
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Apex Tubes & Valves
Apex Tubes and Valves is Peterborough's independent industrial and domestic pipeline merchant. Located close to the city center we are able to service many local jobs on the same day. Why not come visit us in our modern trade counter, to see how we can help you. Stainless steel schedule pipe and fittings, Hygienic "Dairy" pipe and fittings along with valves and bracketry.

Flange gaskets stocked in various materials and tables including WRAS approved EPDM, PTFE, white food quality rubber, graphite, non-asbestos and spiral wound. Apex Tubes and Valves can supply an extensive range of pipe systems in various materials including stainless steel, carbon steel, mild steel, malleable iron, copper, PVC and ABS plastic.
Reviews (1)
Martin Hunns
Martin Hunns
Jun 16, 2021
If like us, you rely on merchants to go the extra mile,give them a try.The out of hours service is invaluable should you need materials or the odd fitting no matter what time of day.1st class