Located on Coatsworth Road, Gateshead, we are a family-orientated independent practice offering complete eyecare solutions. We carry out eye and contact lens examinations, as well as hearing tests. We are part of the Specsure Group and subsequently are part of a large manufacturing laboratory, allowing us to supply freeform varifocals, bifocals and even high prescription single vision lenses with a very quick turnaround time.
We have or own range of frames (as well as Designer labels) ensuring exclusivity.
We have or own range of frames (as well as Designer labels) ensuring exclusivity.
She has had the privilege of working in various roles in the optical sector, and has used this to develop strong technical knowledge and skills. She prides herself in providing exceptional customer service and keeping patient care at the heart of everything she does. Leah has developed the practice into being warm and welcoming, whilst maintaining a high level of professionalism and clinical care.
We offer a very impressive range of spectacles. Whether you're a private patient or an NHS patient, we have frames to suit you and your budget. We offer a 2 year warranty on all designer frames. All children's eye tests are free of charge and all children's glasses are free of charge. We hold a stock of over 400 different styles for boys and girls and that the website just shows a small sample.
Two-weekly lenses; start from 18 for a month's supply (including solutions). You can wear them everyday, removing them at night to clean and store, for up to two weeks. Monthly disposable lenses; start from 13 for a month's supply (including solutions). If you plan on wearing them everyday, these lenses can work out the most cost effective.
The vast majority of varifocals work by setting optic power & astigmatism on interest points on the surface of a lens, with the setting through an algorithm known as B-splines. However, the lens surface is a continuous topography and points in between are solved through interpolation, which results in a big loss of control over the astigmatism and power in a very large area of the lens.
Single vision lenses typically for people with long or short sight that only need glasses for things like driving, reading or using a computer. This lens type has one prescription that covers the whole lens. These lenses are included in the price of all of our frames. An Anti Reflective coating is added to lenses to reduce glare caused by light hitting the back of the lenses.