We transport wheelchair users in Oldham and surrounding areas. Transport can be arranged if you live outside these areas. Please phone for advice. Mob: 07766405042 or email enquiries @ oldhamwheelchairtravel.com. Please note that emails may take a while to be answered whereas phone calls are usually instantly answered between the hours of 7 am to 10 pm.
With rear access to the vehicle and plenty of room we cater for most sizes of wheelchair. The position of the wheelchair when fully clamped is alongside a seat which friend or carer can use. Please note that the wheelchair faces forward unlike some vehicles that can only be used rear facing.
With rear access to the vehicle and plenty of room we cater for most sizes of wheelchair. The position of the wheelchair when fully clamped is alongside a seat which friend or carer can use. Please note that the wheelchair faces forward unlike some vehicles that can only be used rear facing.
If you live in the Greater Manchester area and fulfill certain criteria you can apply for Travel Vouchers. For every 5 spent you receive 20 of vouchers which can be used for travelling around the area. See below for more details. If you can't use ordinary buses because you're blind or have serious walking disabilities you could get vouchers for taxis or accessible travel like Ring & Ride.