Youngs Animal Feeds are producers and distributors of animal feeds to the wholesaler, retailer and end user. We supply a wide range of feeds, including equine, livestock, small animal, pig & poultry and pet foods, alongside many associated products. Nationally we are one of the biggest distributors of equine branded feeds, including Allen & Page, Baileys, Dengie, Dodsons, Spillers, Saracen and many more.
Our head office at Standon Mill in rural Staffordshire has stood for many years, in fact there is a water powered 'feed mill' recorded in the Doomsday book. Combined with our two other distribution sites in Cheshire and Liverpool, Youngs Animal Feeds are well positioned to be able to supply both 'own brand feeds' and well known branded products to the wholesaler and end user.
Our head office at Standon Mill in rural Staffordshire has stood for many years, in fact there is a water powered 'feed mill' recorded in the Doomsday book. Combined with our two other distribution sites in Cheshire and Liverpool, Youngs Animal Feeds are well positioned to be able to supply both 'own brand feeds' and well known branded products to the wholesaler and end user.
A quality range of wild bird food formulated to attract a wide variety of birds to your garden. Available in handy small packs or larger economy bags if required. I find that the Feathered Friends Premium Wild bird seed attracts a wide variety of wild birds to my feeders. Including blackbirds, chaffinches robins, bullfinches and even siskins and yellowhammers during the winter months.
Our hours of operation will be between the hours of 9:30am and 5pm no more than 2 customers will be allowed in the shop at one time to enable social distancing rules. We have been working hard to ensure the shop is ready to welcome you back, providing a hand sanitizing station at the shop door which we ask that you use on entry and leaving the shop.
Sweet Meadow horse & pony feeds have been manufactured to the highest specifications using top quality ingredients sourced from approved suppliers. This feeding guide is designed as a basic guide to quantities of feed required. Remember horses vary in terms of metabolism, temperament etc. and should always be treated as individuals.
This section is dedicated to answering those questions you have in connection with care for your horse. Please feel free to submit a question we may include it in this section in future. Answer: Feed a good quality bagged fibre product such as Super Molichop Original, Herbi or Lite. These can be offered ad? lib, dampened if required in a large skip or bucket.
This section is dedicated to answering those questions you have in connection with care for your wild birds. ANSWER: Different birds have different needs and likes, but generally the better mixes are formulated for feeders and bird tables and contain kibbled maize, and sunflower seeds for protein all year round, thus appealing to most birds.