Gaia House is a meditation retreat centre offering silent meditation retreats in the Buddhist tradition. We warmly welcome people of every age, ethnicity, cultural heritage and religious background, socio-economic group, sexual orientation and gender identity, and we are actively working to investigate and remove barriers to inclusion.
Join us to explore the teachings of the Buddha, guided by experienced Dharma teachers from all over the world. We are now open for residential retreats! We are currently looking for people to join our residential staff team in the administration, household and maintenance departments. Our Online Sitting Group meets every Monday at 8pm UK BST, facilitated by Gavin Milne and guest teachers.
Join us to explore the teachings of the Buddha, guided by experienced Dharma teachers from all over the world. We are now open for residential retreats! We are currently looking for people to join our residential staff team in the administration, household and maintenance departments. Our Online Sitting Group meets every Monday at 8pm UK BST, facilitated by Gavin Milne and guest teachers.
Gaia House is a silent meditation retreat centre, a sanctuary of contemplative calm set amongst the gentle hills and quiet woodlands of South Devon. Founded in 1983, we are a registered charity committed to preserving, protecting and enhancing emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual health through meditation.
Our environment is one of silence, rural tranquillity, simplicity of lifestyle, sensitivity to the needs of others, and a commitment to ethical behaviour, compassion, loving-kindness and generosity. As an Insight Meditation centre, we are affiliated to the 'Vipassana' (Insight) movement that began in the Theravada schools of Buddhism at the beginning of the twentieth century.
According to the Domesday Book of 1086, 'Wogwile' (the manors of East & West Ogwell) belonged to the Peytevins (or Pictavensis). The very wealthy local Reynell family married into the Pomeroys, so the Ogwell estates then passed into the hands of the Reynells. At one time they owned most of the land between here and Newton Abbot.
Insight Meditation (Or Vipassana: literally translated as 'seeing deeply or clearly') is the practice of developing a calm and mindful investigation into the nature of experience, leading to wisdom, compassion and the end of suffering. Download or listen on-line to an Introductory Guided Meditation by Insight Meditation teacher: Yanai Postelnik.
Gaia House is a dedicated retreat centre for sustained meditation practice and Dharma teachings. Maintaining silence and reducing activity to a minimum is the best way to support retreats, by creating a calm, quiet and simplified environment with minimal distractions. Spending time in silence is a very powerful way to support the deepening of meditative calm and insight (Vipassana).
Reviews (11)
Emma Smith
Jan 14, 2022
Kestrel Montague
Apr 01, 2020
Chantal Jolivet
Jan 30, 2020
Nina Fotara
Dec 06, 2019
Lisa Andronova
Jul 26, 2019
Tara Mountain
Mar 30, 2018
Richard Tollafield
Feb 22, 2018
AndyP Smith
Oct 19, 2017
Maria Love
Sep 08, 2017
Hana Galperin
Jun 26, 2017
Kate Honey
Jan 20, 2017