If you would like to find out more, please contact Graham Timson, Secretary: Tel: 01473 621660 - Email:. Attwells Solicitors - Woodbridge Bowls Club gratefully acknowledge the support from our sponsors Attwells Solicitors. Visit their website: www.attwells.com. We have also received support from East of England Co-operative Society through their Community Token Scheme.
Cumberland Fish Bar, Woodbridge, find them on tripadvisor and P & R Services, locksmiths and engravers www.prlocks.co.uk. If you would like to find out about becoming a sponsor of WBC please contact Graham Timson, Secretary, WBC.
Cumberland Fish Bar, Woodbridge, find them on tripadvisor and P & R Services, locksmiths and engravers www.prlocks.co.uk. If you would like to find out about becoming a sponsor of WBC please contact Graham Timson, Secretary, WBC.
In 1935 Sir Arthur Churchman, Lord Woodbridge, gifted to the town of Woodbridge the land behind his property in the town centre for use as an ornamental park. This is the Elmhurst Park we enjoy today. In 1952, in what had been the walled garden of the original grounds, a bowls green was laid and Woodbridge Bowls Club formed, many of the first members coming from the defunct Crown Bowls Club.
Bowls is played both indoors and outdoors so can be enjoyed throughout the year. Most bowls is played on a flat green although there is an altenative game, Crown Green, which is played on a slightly bevelled surface. The game is played in rinks about 5m wide. A small white ball, the jack is bowled first down the centre of the rink.
This section provides information about membership of Woodbridge Bowls Club. WBC is a friendly club and all players are encouraged to take part in club competitions and to participate in league matches. Full members do not pay rink fees and may play at any time subject to match schedules and green maintenance work.