Over many years I have grown to understand and accept what it means for me to be me - not compare myself with others, or live a different life to the one I want to be living. You are a unique and amazing individual, and you have a specific blend of strengths, skills, values, personality and experience.
My mission is to equip and empower you to understand and embrace who you are as that person. If you are seeking to live a more fulfilling life with clearer purpose and greater confidence, manage your life and time better, and gain more confidence and self awareness, I can help! You can get a flavour of life coaching and the kinds of areas I work in by reading my weekly blog.
My mission is to equip and empower you to understand and embrace who you are as that person. If you are seeking to live a more fulfilling life with clearer purpose and greater confidence, manage your life and time better, and gain more confidence and self awareness, I can help! You can get a flavour of life coaching and the kinds of areas I work in by reading my weekly blog.
Instead, life coaching is about drawing out of you your own potential, helping you change the way you think and learn how to solve problems for yourself. As client, you set the agenda, and talk through and gain greater awareness of where you currently are, and then take steps towards what you want your life to be like.
As Christians, we are supposed to be full of joy and living totally sorted lives all the time, right? Sometimes it feels like that is the expectation we put on ourselves, but the reality is often very different. Life is complicated, and can be very fulfilling and also very difficult, with much conspiring to cause us not to life the full life.
Are you looking for a Scottish motivational speaker for a forthcoming event or conference? Maybe you are looking for something a little different for you or your team - an enhanced perspective, a fresh outlook? Are you looking for a Christian speaker with a difference for your next church event, women's group, or outreach event?
Perhaps you started out in business on your own, and are now working with a team as business has grown? Maybe there has been re-organisation or restructuring within the team or the company, but no breathing space to stop and look together at the bigger questions of where the business is going. How well is your team working together?
Life coaching is the process of moving from where you are to where you want to be. For each person, this will be different - no one else will be starting from where you are, will have your unique combination of skills, values, experiences and expectations, and will be wanting to move towards your goals.
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