For thirty five years we have been creating and looking after people's smiles. We are now treating a third generation, that's a lot of trust. We are committed to quality and the delivery of exceptional care, from bespoke dentistry to advanced surgery and rehabilitation. Accordingly to our philosophy to provide the best oral health service, we do believe that a thorough and accurate diagnosis is essential prior to starting any procedure.
In the majority of cases, children's teeth are squint not because they are too big but because there jaws don't grow to their full potential. By treating children much earlier we can correct the facial growth and the size of their jaws which means far fewer extractions and a better facial appearance.
The aesthetic of the smile is not just about the colour of the teeth, their shape and position. The morphology, size and position of the bone where they are placed and the symmetry, health and contours of the gums play an important role. Improving your smile may require a combination of any of the above to achieve the optimal results.
Bad breath and bleeding gums are signs of this. In 99% of cases of chronic gum disease there is a parasitic infection, which we check for under a microscope. This is the only way to confirm it. The disease destroys gums and bone. X-ray picture shows gum and bone loss. With the correct microscopic diagnosis we can target the correct treatment for you to kill the parasite and promote healing of the gum and bone.
To improve facial lines, wrinkles, smile lines, frown lines and forehead lines at Rosemount Dental Practice we use two different products. An Allergan product onabotulinum toxin (Botox) injected under the skin to temporarily stop muscle movement, reducing the lines caused by constant muscle movement.
Over the last 25 years Myofunctional Research Co. (MRC) has recognised that Soft Tissue Dysfunction or poor myofunctional habits such as mouth breathing, incorrect tongue position, reverse swallowing and thumb sucking are the real causes of malocclusion and poor cranio-facial development.
75% of growing children are affected and most commonly will presents with crooked teeth, under developed facial and jaw bones, TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) dysfunction and poor body posture.Incorrect dental and facial development can be detected at an early age, but so often no treatment is recommended.
75% of growing children are affected and most commonly will presents with crooked teeth, under developed facial and jaw bones, TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) dysfunction and poor body posture.Incorrect dental and facial development can be detected at an early age, but so often no treatment is recommended.