We work both in the public and private sectors, taking in art galleries, museums, universities, libraries, local councils, charities, commercial picture and video libraries, marketing companies, research organisations, architects, pharmaceutical companies, and many more. In addition to providing software solutions, iBase also provide consultancy and expertise in a variety of associated disciplines, including digital preservation, collections management integration and e-commerce.
Supported field types include text, number, multi-value picklists, datetime, currency and more. To edit the metadata of a single file, iBase provides an easy-to-use page which presents you with a preview of the file - with the ability to zoom in - alongside each of its associated fields laid out in whichever order you prefer.
All file sharing starts from a position of secure data - you want to make sure that when you share your assets, people only see what you want them to see. An encoded link allows them to access the collection with the level of access you want them to have - without requiring them to log in - whilst preventing them from accessing the rest of your asset library.
Integration with PayPal comes standard with iBase, meaning you can get up and running with e-commerce straightaway. In addition, we've integrated with numerous other payment providers over the years, including WorldPay, SagePay, Barclays SecurePay, NetBanx, Secure Trading and more.
If you want your customers to have instant access to files once they've paid, this can easily be done, including specifying which version of the file they can download.If on the other hand you want to restrict their access to the download until the purchase has been internally ratified, this too can be done.
If you want your customers to have instant access to files once they've paid, this can easily be done, including specifying which version of the file they can download.If on the other hand you want to restrict their access to the download until the purchase has been internally ratified, this too can be done.
As standard iBase contains an API which allows external systems to extract assets and metadata using a wide variety of search criteria. The API allows third-party applications - such as web sites - to query an iBase repository via an HTTP request and retrieve assets and metadata in the form of a structured document.
Create and manage folders to organise assets, move items from one folder to another, set the permissions on folders to control who can access what. Share folders with others by email. A collection can contain folders, files and other collections. An item can be added to any number of collections, these are not copies of the item but shortcuts.
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