When it comes to pipelines - big, small, long and short - here at Pigtek we are expert solution providers for your pipeline pigging and pipeline cleaning needs. We are leaders in pipeline cleaning and provide specialist pigging products, specialist pigging equipment and specialist on-site pigging services to suit the demands of the international oil and gas industry - no matter how diverse and no matter how grand.
Our specialist products and on-site services are focused entirely on pipeline pigging.
Our specialist products and on-site services are focused entirely on pipeline pigging.
Pigtek are leaders in providing specialist pigging products and pipeline pigging services to the international oil and gas pipeline industry. Our pipeline pigging products and pipeline pigging services are focused 100% on pipeline pigging and associated equipment for applications where "standard" equipment is not performing or cannot perform.
A Brush Cleaning Pig is used for cleaning the internal wall of pipelines to remove debris such as black powder from gas pipelines, plus wax, sand and sludge from product and oil pipelines. Pigtek Brush Cleaning Pigs are highly efficient and are based on a bi-directional pig design, being fitted with polyurethane guide and seal discs.
Many pipelines become affected with a build-up of soft to medium wax which will reduce the efficiency of the pipeline due to the reduced bore in the pipe. In addition, increased friction, caused by the uneven surface of wax deposition in pipelines, will result in turbulent flow through the pipeline.
Pigtek Dual Module Pigs use ball joints and universal joints that are designed in-house and have a well proven track record, having been used in thousands of kilometres of various diameter pipelines throughout the world. To ensure safe performance and to provide pipeline operators with peace of mind, our articulated joints have been tested to destruction and the fail points far exceed load expectations for any diameter pipeline.
With more export pipelines from new oil and gas fields being tied into existing pipelines, there is still the need for pigging, even if the diameters of the two pipelines are different. To overcome this, Pigtek can design and supply Dual Diameter Pigs that will traverse both the smaller diameter pipeline and the larger diameter pipeline.