TrakRap is challenging the status quo of the secondary packaging market with their innovative TrakRap System. The TrakRap System combines state-of-the-art machinery, specially engineered 100% recyclable film and bespoke pack designs, helping manufacturers of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) substantially reduce costs and their environmental impact and delivering significant packaging reductions in line with retailers' current packaging strategies.At the heart of the TrakRap System is the TrakRap Machine.
At TrakRap, we're passionate about reducing the cost and carbon footprint of 'end of line' packaging for manufacturers that supply the major food retailers. Traditional methods such as box tapers or shrink wrappers consume vast amounts of corrugate, plastic, or energy - often all 3 - and don't have the flexibility to meet the ever-changing needs of UK retailers packaging strategies going forward.
The TrakRap System is the combination of pack design collation, ultra-thin film and a cold wrapping machine that will always deliver the lowest cost, lowest carbon, sustainable solution for end of line packaging (also known as secondary, transit or retail ready packaging). Our huge investment in eco-innovation has given us a unique advantage.
TrakRap machines eliminate the need for heat tunnels entirely through the use of 'cold wrap' technology. This solution uses an orbital wrapping process to apply specially designed, ultra-thin stretch film to products and reduce energy consumption by as much as 90% and material usage by as much as 70%.
TrakRap's film is an 8-micron linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) that uses a particularly pure polymer that has long carbon chains, a mixture of C6 and C8, this makes it very strong and stretchy, but also means it can be recycled time and time again. As the carbon chain of our film is so long, it means that it can be returned and recycled many, many times, eventually becoming a durable hard plastic.
TrakRap is independent, so we work with leading packaging suppliers to create ground breaking solutions that use the minimum amount of material to get the job done. All our designs combine our 'cold wrap' film, either on its own or with the minimum amount of corrugate, cartonboard or RPET, that's why we can guarantee that our packs will be lower cost and have a lower carbon footprint than any other transit or RRP solution.
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