Here at Sun Essences we supply a wide range of Bach Flower Remedies, Flower Essences and other well-being products designed to promote happiness and well-being. We passionately believe that flower remedies should be hand-prepared in the traditional way, so that's exactly what we do! Each individual bottle is therefore filled and labelled by hand with care and sensitivity.
Simple and safe for all the family, we also offer a programme of Flower Essences Courses in Norfolk, bringing the benefits of these wonderful, natural products to all. Sun Essences is a member of the UK Flower Essence producers association, BAFEP. Vivien Williamson is an advanced member of the UK Practitioners Association, BFVEA.
Simple and safe for all the family, we also offer a programme of Flower Essences Courses in Norfolk, bringing the benefits of these wonderful, natural products to all. Sun Essences is a member of the UK Flower Essence producers association, BAFEP. Vivien Williamson is an advanced member of the UK Practitioners Association, BFVEA.
The Bach Flower Remedy collection is a range of flower essences made from the blooms of plants, bushes and trees, according to the original directions of Dr Edward Bach. They were developed in the 1930s by Dr Bach who believed that disease was caused by a negative state of mind and found that if you make a person happier, the body heals itself.
Sun Essences sell s the complete range of 38 individual Bach Flower Stocks in 10ml or 30ml dropper bottles. They can be diluted to make up dosage bottles, or two drops taken in a small glass of water can prove a helpful pick me up. Sun Essences bottle all their essences by hand, with great care and attention.
The best known flower essence product is Dr Bach's five flower emergency combination. Available over the counter in high street chemists, it is usually an individual's first introduction to flower essences. Ideal for all extreme and challenging situations, it's a real support to families in this hectic modern world.
The kit contains a boxed set of 10 Bach Essences of your choice, "Bach Remedies and other flower essences" - Book by Vivien Williamson, and 3 x 30ml Dosage Bottles for you to prepare your own mixes. This set comprises the complete range of 38 Bach Flower Remedies from Agrimony to Willow, plus two bottles of Release and Revive.
To make these delightful flower essence combinations we carefully choose remedies for all aspects of the given problem - ensuring a well balanced approach. In ancient tradition the rainbow is believed to be a bridge between Heaven and Earth. It is also thought to be the colours of the human soul and a good balance can enhance our natural life force.