Nail trimming, corns and callus, dry skin, and other painful problems of the feet are covered in a general chiropody treatment. The treatment begins with a soothing foot bath, followed by the nail trim, and issues, such as thickened or misshapened nails with be dealt with. Corns and callus will be removed, and advice about how to slow down the return of these conditions will be given.
The treatment is finished off with a short foot and lower leg massage, which helps with circulation, dryness and stiffness, it's also most peoples favourite part! If there are any other problems with the feet, these will be discussed and if possible, treated. If the additional problems cannot be treated on the day, another appointment will be made, or you will be referred on to a different practitioner.
The treatment is finished off with a short foot and lower leg massage, which helps with circulation, dryness and stiffness, it's also most peoples favourite part! If there are any other problems with the feet, these will be discussed and if possible, treated. If the additional problems cannot be treated on the day, another appointment will be made, or you will be referred on to a different practitioner.
Suzanne Edge, chiropodist M.Inst. Ch. P. I qualified as a chiropodist (podiatrist) in 1999 and in 2000 set up my own business as a domiciliary practitioner. In 2011 I opened my surgery on Charminster Road in Bournemouth. When I'm not working at Queens Park Chiropody, I mostly enjoy being with my dog Smudge, walking, cycling and being out in the countryside.
The clearanail drill has a controlled micro penetration drill bit, which drills slowly and painlessly through the nail, then stops automatically, so that the nail bed beneath, ie: your toe, is not damaged. The tiny holes allow fungal nail preparations to penetrate right down to the nail bed, reportedly increasing the effectiveness by 1000%.
When you come in for your consultation, firstly a medical history is taken, and we discuss your lifestyle. Some activities, such as high impact sports, can affect the success of treatment, so it is very important to let us know all about your lifestyle. If we then think that treatment will be successful for you, we will then take cultures from the affected toenails, to ensure that it is definitely a fungal infection.
The gel resin has the ability to bond to any surface, add strength and harden with a glossy, but elastic finish - very suitable where a toenail is deformed or where a nail has been surgically removed. It is very effective on scaly nail surfaces as it can conceal ridges and deformations and hide discolouration.
Nails take up to two years to grow out, so we have to keep an eye on them as they grow, and give top-ups if and when needed during this time. We advise that you attend the clinic for a nail trim and review every six weeks or so. During the visit, we will trim and thin the nails as needed, and we may suggest a top-up with the laser.
Reviews (1)
Claudia Barata
Dec 23, 2019