Looking to get your child enrolled into dance, singing and drama classes? We are one of the best, registered and qualified performing arts schools in Kent. We were established in 1960 with branches in Chatham and Sheppey and have been teaching children aged two and a half through to 18 years, helping them gain confidence, improve their self esteem, co-ordination skills, strength and fitness as well as giving them the chance to gain new friends along the way.
By offering structured classes you will see your child improve and progress and by entering them into exams will help build their self-confidence and discipline.Each summer we put on a spectacular show where the whole school participates and you, as proud parents, get to spend a delightful evening being entertained.
By offering structured classes you will see your child improve and progress and by entering them into exams will help build their self-confidence and discipline.Each summer we put on a spectacular show where the whole school participates and you, as proud parents, get to spend a delightful evening being entertained.
Our schools offer your child the chance to expand their knowledge while learning new crafts for a possible future career in Performing Arts, while meeting new friends, gaining confidence and self-esteem and most of all having loads of fun along the way. As a creative and learning establishment, everyone who walks through our doors has an equal opportunity.
A series of practical studio study sessions and theoretical home study sessions with distanced learning involved and mentored via online tutorials throughout. Minimal practical studio study sessions and a more intense theoretical home study with distanced learning involved and mentored via online tutorials throughout.
The schools were founded by Jackie Lynn Smith. The Jackie Lynn Dance Studio began in Rochester in the 1960's and Starquest Performing Arts was formed in the early 1980's in Chatham. Both schools run in conjunction with one another. The Jackie Lynn Dance Studio runs all the examination and stage festival side, while Starquest runs everything to do with productions and performance.
Once you have booked into your classes you have secured your place and will be required to pay (contactless) when you arrive before you partake. Please let us know, by clicking the checkbox, if you are happy to be added to our database in order to receive more information from Starquest Performing Arts?
Starquest Performers College in Kent is one of the premier performing arts colleges in the county and only 40 minutes from central London. We offer a one year pre-vocational performing arts course which, on completion, will give you a certificate in performing arts and the option to join the second year of our three year full-time vocational, performance based diploma with the option to include a teacher training qualification as well.