Cutting the cost of your financial print, payroll and processing by outsourcing to an independent specialist solution provider. With the ever increasing time constraints placed on your busy HR department, payslip printing and distribution is time critical to ensuring your employees receive their pay slips on time.
Outsourcing payroll printing to a third party doesn't have to be. Digital Print Management's automated cheque sign-writing service and payments solutions will save you time and money. How does the service work Your corporate cheques can have their own unique branding and style. Base stock is printed and laser.
Outsourcing payroll printing to a third party doesn't have to be. Digital Print Management's automated cheque sign-writing service and payments solutions will save you time and money. How does the service work Your corporate cheques can have their own unique branding and style. Base stock is printed and laser.
At Digital Print Management we aim to give the customer what they want and, not what we think they should have. When we have a full understanding of what the customer wants only then do we offer a solution we know will work for the customer. We have happy customers because we deliver the best value and the right solutions which are affordable.
In our increasingly online and on demand world, your employees and customers want access to the documents you send them. MultiChannel gives your customers and employees the choice to view their payslips, invoices, statements and any other customer communication online as well being able to receive a paper version.
You are charged for the documents that you upload and we print and mail through our Print-2-Mail portal. Our team can provide more support via a webinar if you need help in optimising all the benefits the service has to offer. With a little bit of help from us, you can be mailing out your business documents tomorrow.
Copywriting is about making a connection with your audience engaging the reader enough to want to take action with your copy. Digital Print Management help businesses find their voice to be able to tell their story with copy that is engaging, informative, persuasive and motivates your customer to take action.
Cross media marketing refers to the use of two or more media types such as print, email and/or social media channels to deliver your personalised, targeted marketing content. These campaigns can be retention programs solely for the purposes of looking after and keeping existing customers or acquisition programs targeted at converting your prospective customers.
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