Homes, garages and outbuildings built before the year 2000 can expose homeowners, their families and others to Asbestos. Asbestos could possibly be hiding in your cement, floor tiles, insulation, walls, roofing or pipes. Knowledge about the dangers of this hazardous material, and what to do if you suspect you have it within your home, can help protect you and others from serious harm.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral that was a popular building material before being banned in 1999. Mostly used for insulation and fire-proofing, it isn't uncommon to find it in a large majority of houses today. Once disturbed, it becomes a potentially lethal substance and exposure to it can lead to extremely serious health conditions.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral that was a popular building material before being banned in 1999. Mostly used for insulation and fire-proofing, it isn't uncommon to find it in a large majority of houses today. Once disturbed, it becomes a potentially lethal substance and exposure to it can lead to extremely serious health conditions.
The more you know, the safer you and your family will be. Although it is never easy to think about, knowing the health risks can help you to prevent them. Exposure to asbestos is responsible for around 4000 deaths in the UK every year. Asbestosis is sadly an incurable disease. The symptoms can take anywhere from 15 to 60 years to develop, but once they have they can be very severe.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral that was a popular building material up until the year 2000. Mostly used for insulation and fire-proofing, it isn't uncommon to find it in a large majority of houses today but, once disturbed, it becomes a potentially lethal substance. There are several areas of your home that may contain Asbestos.
If you think that asbestos is present in your property, call the specialists. It is important not to panic if you think that your home may contain asbestos; it is not a health risk until it starts to degrade or is disturbed. However, if there is deterioration or damage, or you plan to carry out any DIY or renovations, this is time to get in touch with the asbestos specialists, as this is when the risks become far greater.
If you or anyone you know needs to discuss any asbestos related issues or suspicions, then our team is always here to help. Whether you are looking to demolish an old garage or just do some simple DIY or home renovations, it is always worth doing the necessary checks first to ensure that you and those around you are safe from the dangers of asbestos.